Mel's Take-Aways: #30daysoftesting

"Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort." 

- Franklin D. Roosevelt

I found the exercise of #30daysoftesting a great way to think of other day-to-day things that I know I automatically apply my testing process to. While I wasn't successful at completing all of the challenges, I did a large number of them. A few I posted out on twitter and some I kept to myself or took notes of for future reference. 

Here are some of the highlights from the #30daysoftesting I enjoyed:

#2 - Take a picture of something you are doing at work - This was probably pretty creative for many of us that have NDA agreements. Mine was happenstance since I was installing SQL manager on Windows 10. I had a lot of woes that day, but I worked them out. 

#7 - Find an accessibility bug - While I didn't find a bug exactly, this was the inspiration, along with the movie Finding Dory to write something more about accessibility problems and issues with software and how they handle disabilities. 

#10 & 16 - Attend an event/ Attend a non-testing event - If you haven't heard or seen a tweet from me talking about Women Who Code or Chick Tech, look these two groups up. They are all over the world and they are doing great things for tech in general. One of my most inspiring moments came from doing a lighting talk at a Women Who Code meetup. 

#14 -  Step outside of your comfort zone - I've been working on I recently finished my first project for it, which is a tribute page for Sally Ride. I'm going to share it here, as sort of a double down on #14. It has been really hard for me to take time to code. Even then, I borrowed a lot from other people's work, but the modifications are my own. I just like playing when I have time and learning as I go along.

#17 - Find and share a quote that inspires you - If you missed the quote from Peter Welch, I suggest looking up his blog. It's pretty epic and funny.

#28 - Summarize an issue in 140 characters or less -  I'm wordy. I think I tried and failed to do this several times and ended up with multiple tweets. Ah well. 

Overall, while I wasn't able to completely get through all the challenges, I loved this idea, and I loved the attention the testing community gave to this idea. I hope it comes back around again, and gives us all more to learn and talk about down the road. 


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